Hardeman County Schools 2023/2024 Dress Code

The Hardeman County Schools released a revised dress code for the 2022/2023 school year that took effect August 1, 2022. The dress code policy remains the same for the 2023/2024 school year and covers students head-to-toe regarding what they can wear and how they are to wear those items while on campus. Much of what was permitted in previous school years is the same.
Flexibility is given to students regarding the color of shirts (any color, but must be solid), pants and skirts/dresses (black, gray, khaki, and navy), and heavy coats/jackets (may be any color). Belts are not required if pants are worn properly at the waist. Leggings are only allowed if worn under a dress or skirt. Jeans are only permitted on Fridays or with approval from the central office.
Items students are not able to wear are overalls; pants with holes, rips, or tears; skirts that are above the knee, or have slits or holes; flip flops; sweatpants and athletic type pants are not allowed.
Although there are plans in place if the dress code is not followed, the expectation is that all students will follow the new dress code.
You may read the dress code policy in full and purchase schools supplies, so your child will be ready for success on August 2, 2023, the first day of school.
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