Hatchie Press NewsWeek in Review

Hardeman County This Week: October 30, 2023

Listen to the Hatchie Press News Highlights, live on WOJG radio, Monday through Friday during the 8 a.m. CST hour.

The following is a quick update about some happenings in and around our county this week:


UT Extension Welcomes New Director to Lone Oaks Farm

University of Tennessee Extension has named a new director for Lone Oaks Farm in Middleton, Tennessee. { read article }

Middleton High School Recognized for Response to Medical Emergency

CPR and Crisis Teams, School Nurse Mrs. Danielle Mott, and Principal Janet Stallings along with the staff at Middleton High School (MHS) were recognized at the October School Board meeting for their flawless response to a medical emergency at the school. { read article }

Read more Hatchie Press news.


Water Billing System Woes Continue to Plague the Town of Hornsby {video}

The Town of Hornsby met for its regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 3, 2023. Some good news to report is the town finally received its 2022/2023 audit. { read article }


September Restaurant Inspection Scores {Fayette County}

September 2023 scores for Fayette County restaurants and cafeterias from the Tennessee Department of Health. { read article }

Read more business/money news.


Gracie Doyle, of Toone, Inducted into the Alpha Chi National Honor Scholarship Society

Twenty-five Freed-Hardeman University students were inducted into the Iota Chapter of Alpha Chi National Honor Scholarship Society in Old Main on Freed-Hardeman University’s campus in October. { read article }

Read more education news.


Town of Oakland Awarded $2.5 Million for Sports Complex

The Town of Oakland has been awarded $2,500,000 for the creation of a new recreation area – the Oakland Sports Complex – to be located at 895 Bowers Road. { read article }

Read more education news.


Hardeman County Harvest Festivals & Trunk-or-Treats

Lots of candy can be found this month at harvest festivals and trunk-or-treats being held across the county. { read article }

Bolivar FRIENDS of the Library “The Manor” Escape Room Opens This Week

The table has been set for the next FRIENDS of the Library escape room experience at the Bolivar-Hardeman County Library (BHCL). The Manor, a murder mystery escape room will have guests looking for 11 clues to help decipher the code that will give them the combination to the lock to escape the room. { read article }

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Bolivar Police Department Holds Pinning and Promotional Ceremony

Surrounded by friends, family, and co-workers, the oath of office was administered to newly hired police officers by Mayor Julian McTizic on Monday, October 23, 2023. { read article }


Obituaries Notice

Hatchie Press shares obituaries from Hardeman County funeral homes for you to see them all in one place. See the people who passed away and are being remembered by family and friends who love them.

Read obituaries.


The Tennessee Promise scholarship application closes on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, at 11:59 p.m.

Read more local news by clicking here.

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