
Notice From TVA and Bolivar Energy Authority

Notice from TVA & Bolivar Energy Authority

We value the trust our customers place in us. They expect the power to be on when they need it, and we work hard to deliver.

The events surrounding Winter Storm Elliott in December 2022, when demand for electricity outpaced TVA’s power generating capabilities, offered us one such learning opportunity. It was the first time we had ever needed to exercise the long-established Emergency Load Curtailment to that extent to reduce power demand on the electric system.

Since that time, we have been working alongside TVA and TVPPA, the association of power companies served by TVA, to clarify how we respond to emergency events and the best ways to communicate with our customers about such events.

We participate in coordinated exercises with TVA and other interconnected power distributors to test these plans, and to review and adjust our processes. This additional preparation is essential to ensure we can manage any future challenges and meet customers’ needs in the event of any power supply emergency.

Together with TVA, our power supplier, we are monitoring the upward trend in electricity use and its impact on our regional power supply.

With temperatures dropping, TVA is asking customers to conserve energy.

TVA is asking our customers to:

  • Lower your thermostat to 68ºF degrees or a temperature that is both comfortable and safe.
  • Set your ceiling fan to spin clockwise, which pushes warm air down.
  • Wear additional layers and bundle up to stay warm.
  • Turn off everything when you leave a room.
  • Open window coverings on the sunny side of your home. Close them overnight to retain that heat.
  • Delay using washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, and other large appliances until the warmest part of the day when overall heating demand is lower.
  • Reduce all non-essential electricity use.
  • Avoid using heaters that run continually because they consume the most electricity and drive up your heating costs.

Small conservation efforts made on a large scale across our community can have a big impact on the available power supply.

Thanks for your cooperation and patience.

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