
Bolivar’s Raquel Kirk Selected 2024/2025 West Tennessee FFA Regional Reporter

Raquel (pictured second from the right) competed in the the Poultry Career and Leadership Development Event where she identified chicken parts.

After completing an application, going through an interview process, and passing a Future Farmers of America (FFA) knowledge/agriculture test, Bolivar Central High School (BCHS) sophomore Raquel Kirk has been selected as the 2024-2025 West Tennessee FFA Regional Reporter. She brings to the position organization, social, and writing skills that will enable her to excel in the position, keeping West Tennessee FFA members and followers updated and informed about regional activities.

“My responsibilities will include managing West Tennessee FFA’s social media accounts (ex: Instagram and Facebook), taking photographs, planning for the Greenhand Conference for middle schoolers and high school freshman with my teammates, and attending ROPE, a regional officer training camp,” said Raquel, who served this school year in a local officer position. “I serve as secretary for my school’s chapter, and this is my first office out of my school.”

Raquel joined an agriculture class her freshman year and has been an FFA member for one- and one-half years. She has experienced personal growth, gaining more self-confidence and comfort in public speaking.

Pictured left: Raquel (second from the right) competed in the Career and Leadership Development Event Prepared Public Speaking where she placed 3rd in the region. Pictured right: Raquel’s chapter was regional runner-up in the Land Judging competition where she placed as the highest individual.

“One area FFA has extremely impacted me in would be speaking/leadership. Through Career and Leadership Development Events, such as prepared public speaking, I have now grown more confident in speaking to others, and in myself,” said Raquel. “FFA, or The National FFA organization, is an agricultural organization focused on premier leadership, personal growth, and career success. Through FFA I have developed a better understanding of agriculture and the misconceptions.”

She officially began her new position after the 74th West TN FFA Awards Banquet that was held on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, in Jackson, Tennessee. The FFA motto is, “Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve”, and Raquel hopes to represent not only the West Tennessee FFA members well, but also be a good leader and representative from the BCHS chapter. She encourages other students to consider becoming FFA members.

Pictured left: Raquel competing in the Livestock Judging Career and Leadership Development Event where she judged a set of market hogs. Pictured right: The BCHS chapter was awarded for runner-up in the state Land Judging competition.

“FFA will grow you and get you so much farther than most other school activities will. This organization gives you friendships from all over the nation, opportunities to grow as a leader and simply as an individual and promotes career success. Through traveling, competing, and FFA camps, you will experience so many new opportunities that will change your life,” said Raquel. “I am super excited to serve alongside my amazing teammates, make connections with other members in my region, and to serve West Tennessee this upcoming year!”

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