Hatchie Press News

Bolivar Central High School Incident Involving THC-Infused Brownies Leads to Multiple Charges

Press Release from Bolivar Police Department:

On December 10, 2024, at approximately 12 p.m., law enforcement responded to a report of a drug-related incident at Bolivar Central School. School administrators and the school nurse flagged the situation after a student displayed symptoms consistent with marijuana ingestion. Bolivar Police Officer Deming was the first to arrive on the scene, followed shortly by Sgt. Wilkerson.

Incident Overview

The incident involved three students, identified as:

• Juvenile, 16 years old

• Juvenile, 15 years old

• Brandarious Jenkins, 18 years old

According to school staff, Mr. Jenkins arrived at the nurse’s office displaying signs and symptons of possible drug use. After initially denying any substance use, Mr. Jenkins admitted to consuming a brownie purchased from another student. He was subsequently transported by his parents to Bolivar General Hospital for further evaluation.

Details of Investigation

Administrators and staff quickly identified the students involved in distributing the brownies:

• One juvenile admitted to selling brownies to students and claimed they were ordinary brownies falsely marketed as marijuana-laced to increase profits.

• Another juvenile declined to speak to law enforcement on the advice of his mother.

• Field tests on brownies found in the backpacks of the juveniles returned positive results for THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).

Mr. Jenkins, still under the influence of cannabis at the hospital, confirmed he purchased a brownie from one of the juveniles.

Legal Actions

• Mr. Jenkins faces misdemeanor charges of simple possession of Schedule VI (marijuana).

• The juveniles will face charges of manufacturing, delivery, and sale of Schedule VI (marijuana). Court dates for all involved are pending.

Community Message

The Bolivar Central School administration and local law enforcement remain committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of students. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of drug-related activities and the importance of maintaining a safe school environment.

Parents and guardians are encouraged to discuss the risks and legal consequences of substance use with their children. 

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