
An Interview: Ramona Spencer Shares Perspective on Making Small Changes for Improved Health

Ramona Spencer shares perspective on making small changes for improved health. Photo courtesy of Amy Elizer.

By Amy H. Elizer, Extension Specialist; University of Tennessee Extension

Early in UT Extension’s Hardeman Healthy Outreach (H2O), Mrs. Ramona Spencer became interested in working with the project because she had personally experienced health improvement through changes she made to address type 2 diabetes and other health issues. She knew the difference it made in her life and wanted to encourage others. Ramona appeared on two of the @Bemorehardeman Facebook video logs (VLOGs) to share her health improvement journey. H2O caught up with her recently with a brief interview.

H2O: We know you have lost weight through your journey. When you started did you consider it weight loss, lifestyle change, or something else? 

RS: I considered this journey as a lifestyle change. I knew I had to change the way I was going in order to live.

H2O: Our work isn’t necessarily about losing weight, but instead regaining health that can occur when a person attains a healthy weight. Since you have gotten to your current weight by walking each day and eating fewer fried foods, have you added or made any other changes? 

RS: I have added more water to my daily fluid intake.

H2O: In one of the VLOGs, you suggested people check their blood pressure regularly. Knowing your numbers is the first step to addressing issues. Do you have suggestions on how we could better make that accessible?

RS: I would suggest people purchase a blood pressure machine to use at home. Failing that, I know there are machines available at places like Walmart. Most clinics offer free checks also.

H2O: You and your mother have made this a family affair of awareness, how do you communicate to other family members or friends how important these simple changes are? Has any message seemed more likely to get them to take action? 

RS: We talk and text each other frequently. Also, now that things are loosening up somewhat, we see one another. They (family members) see how healthy and happy I am, and how less stressed I am. A few of them have actually begun walking, going to a gym, and making healthier food choices.

H2O: How do you encourage people your age to take action? Do you think they can be a positive influence on other age groups? If so, how?

RS: I let them know they are never too old to start making healthier food choices and beginning to do some type of exercise. It’s not a quick fix, but if they keep it up, results will happen. I also let them know that all it takes is one person to start and others will follow. Also, some people see us as role models and we need to be good examples.

H2O: In your opinion, what is the best way to help sustain changes you make in your lifestyle? 

RS: Continue to keep up the work I started and keep the mindset that the changes I made are for my life. I may fall sometimes, but I am not counted out unless I fail to get up.

For more inspiration from Mrs. Spencer and other VLOG interviewees go to

Hardeman Healthy Outreach is funded by the CDC’s High Obesity Program (HOP) through The University of Tennessee Extension to improve access to food and physical activity opportunities throughout Hardeman County.

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