Arts Council Holding Auditions for Christmas Belles

It may only be September, but the Hardeman County Arts Council (HCAC) is already making plans for its December production of Christmas Belles by holding auditions on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at 6 p.m. and on Saturday, September 30, 2023, at 10 a.m. The production will hit the HCAC stage the weekend of Friday through Sunday, December 1 – 3, 2023.
The HCAC cast of Christmas Belles will include an all adult cast of four men and seven women. The directors of the production are Julie Bell and Marnina Smeltser.
SYNOPSIS: It’s Christmas-time in the small town of Fayro, Texas, and the Futrelle Sisters—Frankie, Twink and Honey Raye—are not exactly in a festive mood. A cranky Frankie is weeks overdue with her second set of twins. Twink, recently jilted and bitter about it, is in jail for inadvertently burning down half the town. And hot-flash-suffering Honey Raye is desperately trying to keep the Tabernacle of the Lamb’s Christmas Program from spiraling into chaos. But things are not looking too promising: Miss Geneva, the ousted director of the previous twenty-seven productions, is ruthless in her attempts to take over the show. The celebrity guest Santa Claus—played by Frankie’s long-suffering husband, Dub—is passing a kidney stone. One of the shepherds refuses to watch over his flock by night without pulling his little red wagon behind him. And the entire cast is dropping like flies due to food poisoning from the Band Boosters’ Pancake Supper. And when Frankie lets slip a family secret that has been carefully guarded for decades, all hope for a successful Christmas program seems lost, even with an Elvis impersonator at the manger. But in true Futrelle fashion, the feuding sisters find a way to pull together in order to present a Christmas program the citizens of Fayro will never forget. Their hilarious holiday journey through a misadventure-filled Christmas Eve is guaranteed to bring joy to your world!
Auditions will be held at the HCAC, 1580 West Market, Bolivar, Tennessee, 38008. Call the HCAC at (731) 658-2787 for more information.
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