Bartlett Bee Whisperer Visits Master Gardeners

The Bartlett Bee Whisperer, David L. Glover, a West Tennessee celebrity of sorts, was the featured guest speaker at this month’s meeting of the Hardeman County Master Gardeners.
Glover, who has developed a large social media following, grew up in a farming community in rural Tennessee. He is also a decorated Desert Storm veteran and a University of Tennessee Master Beekeeper.

He spoke to the group about how he got started in beekeeping through removing bee hives from structures and presented a general overview on honeybees. He also took time to answer questions from those in attendance before the meeting adjourned.
Also in attendance were some of Hardeman County’s own Master Beekeepers, Brittney Willis and Mike Davis.
The Hardeman County Master Gardeners invite you to come take part in an inspiring education-based volunteer organization. Training for the 2023 session of the Tennessee Extension Master Gardener program begins this month! Read more about how to sign up by clicking here.
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