Bolivar Central High School Class of 1972 Holds 50 Year Reunion

It has been 50 years since the class of 1972 walked the halls of Bolivar Central High School (BCHS). The last time they gathered for a reunion was in 2012 and they were sure to not let the milestone of 50 years since they graduated pass by without recognition.
“Fifty years is a milestone that should be celebrated. We’re getting older, and classmates are transitioning,” said Eunice Spencer who noted the class has had a reunion every 10 years since graduation. “We should celebrate as much as possible while we can.”
Spencer was excited to coordinate the reunion and a lot of work was involved. Thanks to the efforts of her family and their support, the classmates did not have to do anything other than pay and attend.
“The family joke is I ‘hired them for free’, and all of them showed up at the designated times ready and eager to help with my class reunion,” said Spencer.
The BCHS class of 1972 had 208 students and 31 of them attended the reunion. Of that number, only two came from out of town, with the others either never having left Hardeman County or eventually returning and now are residents in and around the county. Hardeman County seems to have a special draw for people who were raised there with many staying, and many of those who leave, always returning to continue living their lives close to family and friends.
{ Read about the BCHS Class of 2002 reunion. }
“I returned to Hardeman County a few years after college to spend more time with my parents, grandparents, family members, church family, and friends,” said Spencer.
Ossie Polk Anderson-King, who lives in Alabama and Travis Watkins, who lives in California, received certificates as out-of-state reunion attendees.
Other people who were recognized during the reunion included Dorothy Smith Robertson and Willie Ray Robertson who were given a framed marriage poem. The Robertsons dated in high school, married, and are still married today. The group also recognized veterans in its class by playing the National Anthem. All the veterans had a star on their name badge. The BCHS class of 1972 also recognized those who are deceased, with a memory table that was on display and included a poem and the lighting of a candle. The candle remained lit throughout the reunion.
Each high school class has something that always sets them apart from other classes and the BCHS class of 1972 is no different. Spencer noted former Judge Steve Hornsby and former Hardeman County Court Clerk Jerry Armstrong are members of the class of 1972. She shared some other trivia from her class.
“Betty Crisp, #55 Forward, was inducted to the Central High School Hall of Fame in February 2022,” said Spencer. “Charles ‘Goo Finger’ Crisp, who is deceased, was 6’5” tall. He was the tallest man on the basketball team in 1972.”
Spencer shared more class trivia that has a historical significance.
“Another fact about the class of 1972 is it was the second graduating class after integration,” said Spencer. “We reconfirmed our commitment to hold all reunions together as we have done in the past.”
Spencer added some special touches to the reunion to make it memorable for all who attended. There was recognition of officers, class sponsors, baccalaureate, and graduation trivia.
“Trifolds were on display of various class items that included football and basketball pictures, class pictures, 1972 homecoming court, baccalaureate, and graduation programs. The music was special as it included sounds of 1972 as well as today’s line dances. Music was also used to coincide with some program items to enhance the event,” said Spencer. “The reunion T-shirts and the reunion cake had our class of 1972 picture on them. Everyone liked that!”
There were many special moments during the evening for Spencer who shared one that especially stood out to her.
“One of our classmates, Alice Faye Pugh Robertson was on the basketball team,” said Spencer. “Alice smiled when she recognized her picture on the trifold. I turned just in time to see that, and it warmed my heart, as she was very ill a few years ago. I was thankful to see her at the reunion.”
Spencer is pleased with how the reunion turned out and is thankful so many people did attend. She also received a proclamation from the City of Bolivar Mayor Julian McTizic stating November 26, 2022, the day the reunion was held, as Bolivar Central High School Class of 1972 Day.
“I was excited to see classmates, some I had not seen in 50 years,” said Spencer. “I was happy because of the response I received with the reunion despite the date being a holiday weekend. The consensus was to hold the next reunion in 2027. A classmate accepted the challenge to coordinate the event. We look forward to seeing everyone again in five years.”
Pictures courtesy of Eunice Spencer.
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