Bolivar Considers Annexing Three Way and Hollywood Acres

At its regularly scheduled meeting on September 11, 2023, the Bolivar City Council unanimously voted to begin the process to annex the areas known as Three-Way and Hollywood Acres.
“This resolution will not annex any properties. There are 29 checkboxes in this thing that we have to go through and the first one is to pass this resolution,” said Bolivar Mayor Julian McTizic as he continued. “In order for this to happen, the citizens out there will have to vote for it, and if they don’t vote for it, then it’s dead.”
McTizic said most of the citizens he has talked with have been supportive and are interested in what services the City of Bolivar can provide them. Some of the services mentioned were utilities, police protection, fire protection, and trash pickup.
“I’ve been trying to get this done since Barrett Stevens was mayor,” commented Councilman Larry McKinnie. “It’s up to the citizens, as the mayor said, the laws have changed and we can’t just go annex anywhere, but it takes the citizens, if they want that, if they approve that.”
The area being considered contains around 200 residential properties and several businesses. Bolivar is expected to see a gain in revenue through taxes if the annexation passes, though the exact amount is unknown at this time.
According to the resolution, the next step in the process is for the Bolivar Regional Planning Commission to review the Plan of Services for the subject territory, and return a recommendation to the governing body.
As of publication, the date for the Planning Commission meeting has not been set.
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