
Bolivar Council Choose Former Councilman to Fill Vacancy

Chris Williams addresses the Bolivar City Council.

The Bolivar City Council met for its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, November 14, 2022. The most anticipated item on the agenda was selecting a new council member to fill the vacancy created when Dylan Hill resigned last month.

Three citizens turned in their résumés in hopes of being selected, Chris Williams, Mike Brown, and Randy Hill.

Before the council took up the item, Mayor McTizic reminded them that, “We’re not required to open it up, or take résumés, or anything based on the charter . . . but we did open it up for résumés to see who would be interested in filling that seat. We had three applicants to turn their résumés in.”

Even though all the applicants were invited to attend and speak, only Chris Williams was present.

Mr. Williams spoke about his community service through law enforcement, his community involvement, and stated he and his wife are small business owners in Bolivar.

“I was eager to announce my interest when I heard about this vacancy. I spoke with every council member in person or by phone because I think it’s very important for you to know how serious we are when we turn in our résumé and what our desires and goals are for this seat.” Williams continued, “Bolivar is a wonderful place to raise a family and put down roots. Bolivar’s greatest asset is its people.”

Williams also spoke of his goals for Bolivar, before a community member in attendance asked to address the council on his behalf.

“He’s not just a police officer or someone that’s responding to you, he’s responding to you as a person, not just your situation, and I think that’s vitally important with this position because, the citizens, we look to all of you to voice our opinions when we can’t or to speak for us when we can’t and I feel that Mr. Williams would be an excellent candidate to fill that empty spot.”

Due to an injury, Randy Hill was unable to attend, but Dylan Hill asked to speak on his behalf,

“You all know my dad. You all know what he’s done for this community for the many, many years that he’s been involved. He’s not new to this place. This has been home for him his entire life and he has invested tenfold more than anybody that I can stand up for. He’s my dad and I know it’s a little bit biased, but I can promise you won’t find a better man of integrity and honesty, and hard working ethics than Randy Hill.”

When the council members voted, Chris Williams and Randy Hill received two votes each and Mike Brown received three votes. The council members voted as follows;

  • Larry Crawford – Williams
  • Melvin Golden – Brown
  • Todd Lowe – Williams
  • Larry McKinnie – Brown
  • Suzanne Rhea – Hill
  • Carol Spinks – Brown
  • Tommie Woods – Hill

Mike Brown previously served on the Bolivar City Council from July 2001 through June 2007.

The full meeting, courtesy of the City of Bolivar, may be viewed below.

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