Hatchie Press News

Bolivar Police Department Holds Pinning and Promotional Ceremony

Pictured (l to r): (Front Row) Police Chief Michael Jones, Matthew Nethery, Jeffrey Malone, Tuesday Sanders, Macie Forsythe, Mayor Julian McTizic, Juana Munoz, and Gregory Brown. (Back Row) Freddie Braddic, Blake Huckabee, Councilman Larry McKinnie, Chris Burkeen, Dwayne Futrell, Jonathan Luttrell, and Justin Bryant.

By Sarah Rice

Surrounded by friends, family, and co-workers, the oath of office was administered to newly hired police officers by Mayor Julian McTizic on Monday, October 23, 2023. In addition, a promotional ceremony and oath of office were administered to those who have received promotions within the last year.

Mayor McTizic commended the officers on their dedication to our community and commitment to service.

“I am very honored and humbled to stand alongside these officers as we serve this city that we all love. We are truly blessed to have such great officers with servant hearts within our city,” said McTizic.

Taking the oath of office were Officers Freddie Braddic, Jonathan Luttrell, Macie Forsythe, Blake Huckabee, Jeffrey Malone, Matthew Nethery, and Investigator Justin Bryant. Acknowledging outstanding service, the following promotions were announced and oaths of office were administered to Sergeants Tuesday Sanders, Juana Munoz, and Captains Dwayne Futrell, Chris Burkeen, and Greg Brown.

A reception for the officers and their families was held at the conclusion of the ceremony.

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