Brown Bag Book Club Goes to the Movies

The Friends of the Bolivar-Hardeman County Library treated the library’s Brown Bag Book Club to a showing at the Luez Theater of Where the Crawdads Sing, on Saturday, August 6. The movie is based on a novel the club members read last year and discussed at one of its meetings. This was the second week the movie was shown at the Luez Theater. Many of the members saw the movie during the first week run and were so impressed they returned to see it for a second time at the invitation from the Friends of the Bolivar-Hardeman County Library.
The Brown Bag Book Club meets the second Monday of each month at 12 p.m. to discuss a featured book read by club members the previous month. The library has extra books on hand available to be checked out and read in preparation for each book club meeting. “The Invention of Wings” will be discussed on Monday, August 8, and the book for September is “Dewey the Library Cat”. Come and enjoy the conversation whether you have read the featured book or not. Call the library at (731) 658-3436 for more information about the Friends of the Bolivar-Hardeman County Library and Brown Bag Book Club .
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