Hatchie Press NewsPolitics

Budget Committee Works to Finalize 2023 – 2024 County Budget

The Budget Committee met on Monday, May 8, 2023, to continue reviewing county department budgets in preparation for presenting the 2023-2024 county budget at the next county commission meeting.

Dr. Christy Smith presented the school’s budget and Casey Swift presented the budget for the Highway Department. The funding for the landfill, drug fund, EMS, and Extension Service were also discussed. Other department budgets were reviewed at previous meetings.

After discussing the submitted insurance bids, the Budget Committee approved keeping the county employees insurance policy with Bolivar Insurance, but will switch the provider from Cigna to BlueCross BlueShield. The insurance will not be put out for bid again for two years, unless needed.

They also discussed raising full time county employees to a minimum of $15 hourly, giving a three percent raise to full and part time employees, a five percent raise to EMS employees, and a five percent state mandated raise for elected officials.

The 2023-2024 County Budget, which reflects a little over $34,000 in surplus, will be presented for a first reading at the County Commission meeting on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, and a second reading at the Tuesday, June 20, 2023, County Commission meeting. If approved, the new budget will take effect on Saturday, July 1, 2023.

The County Commission meetings may be viewed live on the Hatchie Press Facebook page and YouTube channel.

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