
Building Healthy Habits for a Successful School Year

By Andrea Jacobo, UT Extension

Welcome back to school, y’all! As the new school year approaches, it’s the perfect time to set the stage for a successful and healthy year ahead. Building positive habits now can make a world of difference in your family’s well-being and academic achievements. Join us as we explore some simple yet effective ways to establish healthy routines that will benefit both parents and kids.

  1. Rise and Shine: A Nutrient-Packed Breakfast They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it couldn’t be truer. Starting the morning with a balanced, nutritious breakfast sets the tone for the entire day. Get creative in the kitchen with whole grains, fruits, and protein-rich options. How about a bowl of whole-grain oatmeal topped with fresh berries or a yogurt parfait with granola? Involve your kids in meal planning and preparation to make mornings more enjoyable.
  2. Active Commute for the Win Ditch the car ride and consider walking or biking to school, if possible. Not only does this help reduce traffic congestion, but it also adds a healthy dose of physical activity to your family’s routine. Walking or biking can improve mood, boost energy levels, and provide a wonderful opportunity for quality family time. Remember to follow safety guidelines and wear helmets when biking.
  3. Snack Smartly When those mid-morning or afternoon hunger pangs strike, be prepared with wholesome snacks. Keep a variety of options on hand, such as cut-up veggies, whole-grain crackers, or a handful of nuts. Avoid sugary and overly processed snacks that can lead to energy crashes and affect concentration.
  4. Homework and Playtime Balance Finding the right balance between homework and playtime is essential for your child’s well-being. Create a designated study area that’s free from distractions, and establish a consistent homework routine. After completing their assignments, encourage your kids to engage in physical activities, creative projects, or hobbies they enjoy. This balance promotes focus, creativity, and overall mental wellness.
  5. Family Mealtime Magic In the hustle and bustle of the school year, family mealtime often takes a backseat. However, sharing meals together has numerous benefits. It’s a chance for everyone to unwind, share their experiences, and connect. Make dinnertime special by involving everyone in meal preparation, setting the table, and sharing stories from the day. Aim for at least a few family meals each week to strengthen your family bond.
  6. Prioritize Sleep Adequate sleep is a cornerstone of good health and academic success. Create a calming bedtime routine that helps your children wind down. This could include reading a book together, practicing deep breathing, or listening to soothing music. Aim for a consistent sleep schedule to ensure your kids get the recommended amount of rest.
  1. Stay Hydrated and Active Encourage your family to stay hydrated throughout the day by carrying water bottles and sipping water regularly. Additionally, promote physical activity through family outings, weekend hikes, or even dance parties at home. Active moments contribute to stronger bodies and sharper minds.

As the school bells start ringing once again, remember that building healthy habits is a journey that benefits the entire family. By embracing nutritious choices, physical activity, quality sleep, and meaningful connections, you’re setting the stage for a rewarding and successful school year in Hardeman County, Tennessee. Here’s to a year filled with growth, laughter, and well-being.

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