Cheer Clinic Brought Out More than 180 Girls

The Bolivar Central High School (BCHS) gym took on a different scene on Saturday, January 21, 2023, as more than 180 girls from preschool to sixth grade filled the building for the Mini Tiger Cheer Clinic. The event was hosted by the BCHS cheerleaders, with additional assistance from some Bolivar Middle School cheerleaders, cheer coaches, and parents under the direction of BCHS head cheer coach Anita Robertson.
“We wanted to get younger students involved,” said Robertson. “There is very little for them to do in the county. A lot of the younger students have stated they would love to cheer, so I decided to give them that opportunity.”
Mini cheerleaders worked on team building, social skills, and the basic requirements of cheering such as staying out of trouble and trying their best in school.
“The girls were taught basic cheer motions, how to do a herkie jump, two cheers, and a dance,” said Robertson. “Some of the more advanced students were also taught how to do a toe touch.”
The community outreach clinic not only benefited the young girls who attended, but also the cheerleaders who worked with the girls individually as well as in groups. The cheerleaders gained practice with teaching, training, and patience.
“This was the first clinic, but I hope to do more with the younger students. If approved later, we would like to do this clinic during football and basketball seasons, and also include a fun day with the high school cheerleaders,” said Robertson.
Some of the characteristics Robertson looks for in a cheerleader and thinks are important are a positive attitude, dedication, and the ability to work well with others.
“This event was awesome. There were many others that wanted to participate but were not able to. I was very pleased with the turn out,” said Robertson. “Some of the children were very timid. My cheerleaders along with all the coaches did an awesome job by making them feel welcome. I saw a lot of potential while watching the girls. Cheering is a sport and it requires a lot, just as any other sport. The excitement, drive and the parental support behind these young ladies will help to make them an excellent teammate in the future.”
Students who attended the clinic performed at halftime during the BCHS boys’ basketball game on Tuesday, January 24, 2023.
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