Hatchie Press News

City of Bolivar Mayor Introduces Safe Streets Initiative

Bolivar, TN| August 21, 2024

According to TIBRS statistics, the City of Bolivar has seen a reduction in violent crime over the last four years. The City wants to capitalize on this reduction in crime with the launch of the Safe Streets Initiative. The launch of this program aims to promote a holistic approach to safety and community well-being. This comprehensive program is designed to ensure community safety by quickly addressing law enforcement issues and fostering a stronger sense of community responsibility. 

The vision and goal of the Safe Streets Initiative is a proactive, forward-thinking program spearheaded by the City of Bolivar. Its primary goal is to ensure a safe, vibrant community to raise families. The initiative focuses on a variety of strategies, including civic engagement and enhanced law enforcement.

Civic Engagement

The Civic Engagement portion of the initiative will be entitled “Building the Blocks of Bolivar” and will include:

  • Hosting Neighborhood Block Parties: City-hosted neighborhood block parties are planned for neighborhoods in the near future to foster better relations among neighbors and between neighbors and city representatives.  We will be providing free food and kids activities while engaging residents and gathering feedback on local needs and concerns. 

Enhanced Law Enforcement

  • Safe Streets Task Force: To complement the engagement component of the plan, the initiative advocates for enhanced enforcement through the establishment of a Safe Streets Task Force.
  • Community Policing: Police officers will engage with residents while fostering a collaborative approach to enforcement.
  • Gang/Drug Activity: Educating and addressing the community on the risk of drug overdoses and opioid addiction. Strategic monitoring and targeting of gang and drug activity in the city’s neighborhoods.  
  • Patrolling high crime areas:  Deploying more officers to monitor areas in high crime areas

Citizen Connections

Ultimately, the success of the Safe Streets Initiative depends on fostering a culture of safety within the community. This involves encouraging residents to take personal responsibility for their actions, supporting neighbors in maintaining safe practices and advocating for building strong relationships through civic engagement.  This component of the program includes anonymous reporting:

  • **Email tip line:  tips@bolivartnpolice.org 
  • **Phone tip line:  (731) 228-3117
  • Enhanced communications through the establishment of a civic notification system for both emergent and routine notifications to the public

**Tip lines are completely confidential.

The Safe Streets Initiative represents a proactive and comprehensive effort to enhance safety and quality of life. By focusing on community engagement and law enforcement, this initiative aims to create streets and neighborhoods that are safer for everyone. Through our collective efforts and commitment, we can pave the way to a future where our “safe streets” are not just roads, but safe and vibrant spaces for all,” said Mayor McTizic.

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