Hatchie Press NewsPolitics

City of Bolivar Votes on Rezoning for Proposed Dollar General Store

The City of Bolivar met for its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, December 10, 2023.

Some of the items on the agenda included:

The council approved the minutes from the November 13, 2023, meeting.

The Mayor’s Report included an announcement that City offices will be closed December 22nd, 25th, and 26th in observance of Christmas and January 1 2024, in observance of New Year’s Day. The Mayor thanked the community for coming out to the Christmas Parade and invited everyone to his birthday celebration on Saturday, December 16 at 7:00 p.m. at Bricks Cafe. Unwrapped Gifts will be accepted for Toys for Tots.

Public Comments – no citizens were present to speak.

Standing Committee Reports were given on Electric, Utilities, Fire, Police, Parks and Recreation, Streets and Sanitation, Library, Compliance/Zoning, and Tourism/Community Development.

The police report included:

Calls for service – 548

Citations issued – 176

Accidents – 21 (14 involving injury)

Adult arrests – 31

Juvenile arrests – 2

Old Business: none

New Business:

The Council unanimously approved “Resolution 2023-017: Authorization to Submit Application to Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development Broadband Connected Community Facilities Grant Program”.

The Council approved the first reading of “Ordinance 2023-007: Amend Official Zoning Map for Property Located at 312 E. Market Street”. The property is currently zoned R-2 and the Planning Commission made a recommendation to rezone it as B-1 Neighborhood Business District. It was said that a dollar store had purchased the property and intended to build. Later, Mayor McTizic confirmed it was a Dollar General. Councilwoman Caroline Miller was the only council member to vote against the rezoning on the first reading. The ordinance will be up for a second reading, public hearing, and another vote at the January meeting of the City Council.

All council members were present for the meeting.

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