City of Middleton Meeting – July 2023
The City of Middleton met for its regularly scheduled monthly meeting on July 17, 2023. Some of the items discussed include:
- Approving minutes from the June meeting and payment of June bills.
- Fire department report included an update about the new radio system and the price and wait time for new fire trucks increasing each year, which could be a concern for a future purchase. Fire and police departments are working on offering a free, county-wide Fentanyl class for first responders. Fentanyl is a growing issue in Hardeman County. {2:02}
- Police department report included arrest reports and citation revenue, and that all vehicles are in good condition. {9:06}
- Utility report included installation of meters and waterline repairs. A “not bad” report of minimal water loss was presented regarding the aging water system. {10:04}
- The board approved the Middleton Civitan Club’s request to use the Middleton Community Center annually for the Crossroads Bar-B-Que Battle on the fourth Saturday of June. {11:34}
- Zach Wilson was hired on Wednesday, July 5, 2023, as a part-time public works employee due to the injury of another utility employee. The board approved immediate hiring of Mr. Wilson as a fulltime employee. {15:33}
- Discontinue the extra $25 Covid-19 spraying fee for the use of the community center. {18:38}
- Employee compensation for the fiscal year 2024. {21:08}
- Sewer adjustments {33:07}
- Bad debt (34.27}
- Alderman Randy Bishop spoke during public comments and expressed his desire to use his July compensation (and anything above) as an alderman to personally buy the city employees a meal as a “pat on the back” for their work. {35:08)
Click here and watch the full meeting to see everything that was discussed.
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