Hatchie Press NewsPolitics

City of Middleton Meeting – September 2023

The City of Middleton met for its regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Monday, September 18, 2023. Some of the items discussed include:

Fire Department Report – The fire department report included eight calls, one public assist, one false alarm, one mutual aid, and one train derailment. They have received 122 calls year-to-date. The board also discussed radio issues and needs by the department. The board approved allowing Mayor Mott to proceed as he sees fit to quickly resolve the radio issue.

Police Department Report – Chief Bowden gave the police department report which included 307 complaints and activities, 23 mutual assist calls, 14 traffic citations issued, 26 traffic warnings issued, seven crash reports, zero drug arrests, five motorist assists, eight vehicle lockouts, 21 other public assists, five alarm calls, six adult arrests, and one juvenile arrest. The board approved paying officers for earned vacation they were unable to take due to being short staffed.

“They, and everybody, have gone above and beyond. Short staffed or not, the City has always come first. That means a lot to me. I know it does to y’all, as well as the residents,” said Mayor Mott.

Communication from citizen – The board reviewed a letter from Victoria Burnette requesting the rental fee for the Community Center be lowered from $300 to $50 for a Ladies Night event. The board approved the request with four council members voting in favor and one abstaining.

Ms. Burnette’s letter stated the goal of Ladies Night is to “promote Middleton in a positive light and bring something new to our little town.”

Equipment Purchase – The board approved purchasing a new mower for right-a-way grass cutting since the current mower was heavily damaged in an accident on September 12, 2023. The mower and operator were struck by a vehicle exiting from the TKE parking lot. The operator was not injured, other than a few scrapes.

Public Comment – no citizens were present to speak.

Click here to watch the full meeting and see everything that was discussed.

Click here to read about the August 2023 meeting.

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