
Condemning the Invasion of Israel by Hamas

By State Senator Page Walley

October 13, 2023

The Tennessee General Assembly this week issued a proclamation condemning in the strongest possible terms the invasion of Israel by the terrorist group known as Hamas.

The proclamation demonstrates that the people of Tennessee and their legislature stand united in their support for the state of Israel and against those who seek to destroy America’s strongest ally in the Middle East.

As the proclamation states, Tennessee stands with the people of Israel in this time of crisis, and we express our unequivocal support for the nation of Israel. We fully support Israel’s ability to use force and their military might to defend themselves from terrorists; and we will not allow evil organizations and their supporters to lessen our resolve to stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel.

On the morning of Saturday, October 7, 2023, terrorists stormed Israel’s border from Gaza and murdered 1,300 people – mostly civilians – including 27 Americans. An additional 3,000 people were wounded and about 150 people were taken hostage.

Our district is praying fervently for Israel, knowing that God’s favor is on them and on all who bless them. I have heard from folks across our district about how this horror hopefully will bring us closer together as a nation, just as the 911 cowardly attacks did. It is high time that we recognize that true terrorism is not that far from us. The same murderers who beheaded women and children in Israel will do the same here if ever given an opportunity.

As always, it is an honor to serve as your state senator. Please reach out to me if I can assist you in any way at (615) 741-2368 or

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