EducationHatchie Press News

County’s Retired Teachers Receive Legislative Updates

Pictured (l to r): Bobbie Hurde, HCRTA Chapter President-elect, member Hugholene Robertson, Ted Williams, and Mark Avent, HCRTA Chapter President.

The Hardeman County Retired Teachers Association (HCRTA) welcomed Ted Williams, Chair of the Legislation Committee for the Tennessee Retired Teachers’ Association, as its guest speaker at its monthly meeting. The meeting was held at the Board of Education on Wednesday, November 12, 2024.

Mr. Williams shared information about upcoming legislation, which included background on the school voucher bill that failed last year as well as changes to bills expected to be filed during the new legislative session. He also discussed how to effectively communicate with legislators in a direct and succinct manner.

The HCRTA has 40 active members and meets at least once a month providing a continued connection for fellow educators in Hardeman County. Along with presentations from speakers on topics relevant to both educators as well as retirees, members participate in service projects to support the students and teachers in Hardeman County. One of those projects is the HCRTA’s annual school supply collection, which will be held in January. Members will distribute the supplies to elementary schools in Hardeman County.

The HCRTA will hold is annual Christmas luncheon at Bolivar Cumberland Presbyterian Church on Tuesday, December 10, 2024. The guest speaker will be Dr. Duran Williams, Tennessee Retired Teachers Association Executive Director.

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