Hatchie Press News

Hatchie Press 2024 Year in Review – Tuesday Edition

As 2024 comes to a close, join us each day this week to look back on some memorable news Hatchie Press covered this year. The articles are listed in no particle order. We hope you enjoy a look back at 2024.

Living Black History Museum Held at Whiteville Elementary School {with video}

Originally published March 1, 2024.

Inventors, entertainers, community leaders, and athletes are just some of the people who visitors met when they attended the annual Whiteville Elementary School (WES) Living Black History Museum. {read article}

“We are Here for the Long Run”, Wall Innovations Holds Groundbreaking Ceremony at Bolivar Industrial Park {video}

Originally published April 3, 2024.

A warm and sunny day was the perfect backdrop for the Wall Innovations LLC groundbreaking ceremony, which was held at the Bolivar Industrial Park. As part of its relocation to Bolivar, Wall Innovations will invest $6.4 million and create 72 new jobs over the next five years. {read article}

Vernon L. Spencer Celebrates 95 Years of Being Loved and Blessed

Originally published March 5, 2024.

“Be good, stay out of trouble, pay your bills, and go to church.” ~ Mr. Vernon Spencer. {read article}

Girls Who Code Club Introduces New Experiences in Technology to Bolivar Students

Originally published April 3, 2024.

“My biggest takeaway from this program is that coding doesn’t necessarily have to be boring and technical, it can be enjoyable and easy the more you learn it.” ~ Rachel Douglas, Bolivar Central High School senior {read article}

Miller’s Love of Classic Television Shows Brings the Beverly Hillbillies to the Stage

Originally published March 15, 2024.

“Theatre is the best way to grow as an actor. There are no cuts, no retakes, nothing. Just you, your castmates and the audience. I’ve made mistakes in every performance I have ever done, and they were in front of lots of people, sometimes even a sold-out crowd. But we push through, we pick ourselves up and continue.” ~ Jeremiah Miller {read article}

Organ Donation Allows Harrison to Experience Life to the Fullest

Originally published April 12, 2024.

All of that living for Harrison would not have been possible if another family had not made the decision to participate as organ donors. Now at the age of three years old, Harrison is living a life that was not promised to him and thriving. {read article}

Tech Helps for Seniors Program Graduates 11 at Bolivar-Hardeman County Library

Originally published April 2, 2024.

“There are very few things in life that can be given and still kept. Among them is knowledge and life experience. These graduates are to be commended for taking the time and effort to learn about technology that has become necessary within their lifetime.” ~ Bob Williamson, instructor {read article}

Greater Springfield Missionary Baptist Church Installs Shontaviar S. Beasley as Its New Pastor

Originally published April 23, 2024.

Reverend Shontaviar S. Beasley led Greater Springfield Missionary Baptist Church into a new era when he was installed as the church’s 24th pastoral leader. God had a plan for Pastor Beasley at Greater Springfield, which started almost 30 years ago when He first led him to join the church in 1995 at the age of 14 years old. {read article}

Old Hatchie Veterinary Clinic’s Jerry Wilhite named Outstanding Practitioner of the Year

Originally published March 15, 2024.

Dr. Wilhite has served on the Tennessee Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners, on the Executive Board of TVMA, served on the board of the Tennessee Veterinary Medical Foundation, and currently serves on the board of the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine. {read article}

Three Area Students Selected as Jackson State International Ambassador Scholars for 2024

Originally published April 23, 2024.

The Global Learning Program at Jackson State Community College (JSCC) announced its 2024 student recipients of the International Ambassador Scholarship, and they include Hardeman County residents Jace Allen, Karina Neal, and Marnina Smeltser. {read article}

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