Election Voting Machines are Tested and Ready to Go

The inspection and testing of all the Early Voting and Election Day machines was held on Wednesday, June 29, 2022 at 9 a.m. at the Hardeman County Election Commission office in Bolivar. As required by T.C.A. 2-9-105, the Hardeman County Election Commission inspected the voting machines prior to Early Voting and Election Day to determine they are in good working order for the August 4 election.
The voting machines were tested in groups per precinct in the county. The county candidates names are entered in the voting machine, test votes are made, and then it is confirmed the machine reports the correct information after a ballot is cast. After the inspection, there was a zero (000) tape available for each voting machine, which means they are zeroed out and ready for official use.
Hardeman County Democratic Party Chairman Randall Rice, Republican and Democratic machine technicians, representatives from the voting machine company, and election commission staff were present to oversee the inspections. No problems were reported with the inspections.
The last day to register to vote for the August 4, 2022 election is July 5. Early voting will take place July 15 – 30, 2022 at the Hardeman County Election Commission office (106 South Porter Street) in Bolivar.
If you have questions about the August 4 election, contact the Hardeman County Election Commission at (731) 658-4751.