Hatchie Press NewsPolitics

Four City Council Positions Are Up for Election in Bolivar

The Bolivar District Map is available for viewing at the Election Commission office.

Four City of Bolivar council positions will be up for election on May 16, 2023. The positions and the current elected official holding each one is:

District A, Position 1; Carol Spinks

District A, Position 2; Larry McKinnie

District B, Position 1; Todd Lowe

District B, Position 3; Larry Crawford

To start the process of becoming a candidate, you must first pick up a petition from the Hardeman County Election Commission at 106 South Porter Street, Bolivar, Tennessee 38008. Then you must obtain at least 25 valid signatures of registered voters in the district where you are running.

The Qualifying Petition must be returned to the Election Commission no later than 12 noon on Thursday, February 16, 2023. The withdrawal deadline is Thursday, February 23, 2023, at 12 noon.

For more information, contact the Hardeman County Election Commission at 106 South Porter Street, Bolivar, Tennessee 38008 or by phone (731) 658-4751.

The Hardeman County Election Commission members are Carl Gibson, Kreg Hamm, Joan Henderson, James Hicks, and Sharolyn Mitchell. Amber D. Moore is the Administrator of Elections.

Read more local news by clicking here.

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