Concessionaires Closed at Four State Lakes

Due to the unexpected passing of the individual operating the concessionaire services, the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) will close concessionaire services at Herb Parsons Lake, Glenn Springs Lake, Gibson County Lake, and Lake Graham until further notice.
The four lakes will operate temporarily on the honor system for daily permits. The annual permit may be purchased from either the Region I office at Lake Graham, online thru the TWRA On the Go app, or the computer at
Closing the concessionaire services will mean that bait, food, drinks, boat rentals, and information concerning the lakes will be unavailable at the lake, so anglers should make all necessary preparations for their fishing trip before arriving at the lake. The gates will continue to be open 30 minutes before sunrise and close 30 minutes after sunset each day. All rules and regulations will remain in effect.
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