CommunityHatchie Press News

Girls in Action Donate to Loaves and Fishes

The Girls in Action (GA) of First Baptist Church (FBC) Bolivar made a delivery to the Hardeman County Loaves and Fishes last week, donating 900 cans of food and other non-perishable items desperately needed by the non-profit organization.

“Jesus is our Lord and Savior and he taught us to give to each other and help those in need,” said FBC Children’s Ministry Director Mary Yates. “This has been good for them to collect the food to donate.”

The donation was a collection of canned goods and other non-perishable items the children brought from an FBC sponsored event. The GAs participated in a lock in at FBC where they did fun activities that included making ornaments to take to residents at area nursing homes and also did a scavenger hunt around the Country Club area in Bolivar collecting food donations.

The Girls in Action at FBC includes girls in the first through fifth grades. For the scavenger hunt, the girls were split into four teams and for one hour, they covered the Country Club area ringing doorbells and knocking on doors of FBC church members and other residents asking them to donate items to Loaves and Fishes. The GA teams received one point for each item they received.

“We were told Loaves and Fishes really needed rice, dried beans, and tuna, so the teams received 10 points for any of those donated items,” said Yates.

The Royal Ambassador boy’s ministry assisted the GAs with organizing the baskets of food that were delivered. As a special treat, Loaves and Fishes volunteer, Neal Certain, gave the students a quick tour of the building and spent some time sharing history about the organization.

The food donated by the GAs will go towards the continued effort of Loaves and Fishes feeding people in need in Hardeman County.

Loaves and Fishes Hardeman County is a non-profit organization that serves families in need with food for short-term assistance. You may contact Loaves and Fishes at (731) 609-2397 to donate, and learn how to receive assistance.

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