
Hardeman County Ranks 75th in Child Well-Being

The Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth recently released the County Profiles of Child Well-Being in Tennessee. Out of the 95 counties in Tennessee, Hardeman came in at 75th.

The Commission states, “At 75th, Hardeman County ranks in the bottom fourth of Tennessee counties in child well-being. The county’s strongest indicators include having no child and teen deaths in 2019 and ranking 12th in percentage of children without health insurance. The county’s biggest challenges are a high percentage of births to unmarried females and among the lowest rates in the state of 3rd- to 8th-grade students rated proficient on TNReady reading and math tests.

Additional strengths include a low rate of substantiated cases of child abuse or neglect and relatively low housing costs.

Additional opportunities for improvement include a child poverty rate of 28 percent and a low median household income.”

Williamson County received the top ranking in the state while Madison County received the lowest ranking at 95th. McNairy County ranked in the top third at 27th. Fayette County ranked 77th and Shelby county came in at 94th.