
Hardeman County Republican Party Elects New Leadership

The new executive committee members are (l-r): Chris Leist, chairman; Tina Bellamy, vice-chair; Danny Davila, chaplain; Donna Boyd, treasurer; Austin Bell, vice-treasurer; Caleb Lies, party development officer; and Bob Williamson, secretary.

The Hardeman County Republican Party held a reorganization meeting on Tuesday, January 10, 2023. Nearly 30 people were in attendance for the reorganization, which is a time for party members to elect new local leadership.

Chris Leist and Tina Bellamy submitted their applications to be considered for the chairman position. They both took time to talk with and answer questions from attendees about their beliefs and goals for the party. After the votes were counted, it was announced Chris Leist received the voting majority and was therefore chosen as the chairman.

Nominations were then taken from the floor for vice-chairman, secretary, treasurer, vice-treasurer, chaplain, and party development officer. After all votes were tallied, the new executive committee for the Hardeman County Republican Party was announced as, Chris Leist, chairman; Tina Bellamy, vice-chair; Danny Davila, chaplain; Donna Boyd, treasurer; Austin Bell, vice-treasurer; Caleb Lies, party development officer; and Bob Williamson, secretary. Each position is a two-year term.

Scott Golden, chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party, traveled to Hardeman County to swear in the new committee.

Chairman Chris Leist, who ran for Hardeman County Commission this past summer, is relatively new to Hardeman County. He says his family moved to the county after searching the nation for a safe and secure farm where they could live and raise a family and livestock.

“I have been blown away, since Day 1, by the people of Hardeman County and their willingness to go out of their way to share, help, and support each other – which only solidifies our Lord’s choice to bring us here! It is with that same spirit that I wanted to serve Hardeman County as the values of faith, family, and freedom are encroached upon and even attacked by state and national entities.”

Chairman Leist continued, “The uniqueness of Hardeman County should be preserved and protected by its citizens while growing the economic base wisely and shrewdly so the entire county benefits. Where we have difficulties let’s reach out to each other with hands open rather than fists closed. Let’s discuss what we are for rather than against. Let’s restore honor and dignity to the process and remind each other of our commonalities rather than our divisions. Let’s heal rather than hurt. I am humbled to have been voted as Hardeman County Chairman for the next two years and look forward to working with everyone, no labels, who wants Hardeman County to remain their home!”

The Republican Party meets monthly and all are welcome to attend. The next meeting is Monday, February 13, 2023, at 6 p.m. at 100 South Main Street in Bolivar.

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