EducationHatchie Press News

Hardeman County School Board Meeting – September 2023

The Hardeman County Board of Education met for its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, September 12, 2023.

The first item on the agenda was electing a chairman and vice chairman of the board. According to school board policy, “At the first regular meeting in September each year, the Board shall organize by electing a chairman and a vice-chairman to serve one-year terms . . . ” The Board voted to elect Bobby Henderson as chairman and Kenny Adkins as vice-chairman.

The Board then recognized members of the Hardeman County Schools Transportation Department.

“They go above and beyond every day . . . they’ve been willing to do whatever it took to get the job done and we just want to let all of you know how much we appreciate you,” said Dr. Christy Smith.

The Board recognized members of the Hardeman County Schools Transportation Department.

All Board members agreed to abide by the nepotism policy, which states in part, “If a member of the Board has a relative who is an employee in the system, prior to voting on any matter of business that may have an effect upon the employment of the relative, the member shall declare such relationship. In making such a declaration, the member shall certify that his/her vote on the pending matter will be in the best interest of the school system.”

Other agenda items included policy updates on testing programs, attendance, and use of personal communication devices.

Committee reports and recommendations came from the insurance committee and budget committee.

Watch the full meeting on the Hatchie Press YouTube channel to see everything that was covered.

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