EducationHatchie Press News

Hardeman County Schools Announces 2023/2024 Teachers of the Year

One teacher from each of Hardeman County’s nine schools was selected to receive the Teacher of the Year award from Hardeman County Schools. They were announced and recognized at the February school board meeting. Each of these teachers prioritize the needs of all children, and have devoted their professional lives to enriching the lives of Hardeman County students.

The awards were presented to:

Jolanda Thompson – Bolivar Elementary School (not present)

Robbin Stebbins – Bolivar Middle School

Kelly Bennett – Grand Junction Elementary School

Leann Howell – Hornsby Elementary School

Receiving awards are Robbin Stebbins from Bolivar Middle School, Kelly Bennett from Grand Junction Elementary School, and Leann Howell from Hornsby Elementary School.

Paige Vales – Middleton Elementary School

Lee Lynn Campbell – Toone Elementary School

Shontell Gonzalez – Whiteville Elementary School

Receiving awards are Paige Vales from Middleton Elementary School, Lee Lynn Campbell from Toone Elementary School, and Shontell Gonzalez from Whiteville Elementary School.

Amanda Clutter – Bolivar Central High School

James Davis – Middleton High School

Receiving awards are Amanda Clutter from Bolivar Central High School and James Davis from Middleton High School.

In order to be eligible for Teacher of the Year, a teacher must meet the following criteria:

  • be a full-time, certified, in good standing, Pre-k-12 teacher,
  • spend the majority of the school day in direct instruction to students,
  • have a minimum of three years of experience as a teacher in Tennessee public schools, and
  • be recognized as leaders within the community as well as in the school.

School level Teachers of the Year are chosen by the staff from each school in Hardeman County based on the criteria above. Principals submit the name of the School Level Teacher of the Year to the District Office. Each school recipient completes a Teacher of the Year application and submits it to the district office. The applications are reviewed by a committee designated by the district office with three being chosen to advance to region level competition.

You may watch the full school board meeting on the Hatchie Press YouTube channel here.

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