EducationHatchie Press News

Hardeman County Schools Announces Teachers of the Year

2022-2023 Teachers of the Year pictured (l-r): Front row – Annette McBryde, Kelsey Kirk, Diane Brewer, Nicole McMahan, and Shelby Wells. Back row – Melissa Adkins, Bonnie Breeden, Shawn O’Neil, and Jackie Rhodes.

Nine teachers were selected to receive the Teacher of the Year award from Hardeman County Schools. They were announced at the February school board meeting. Each of these teachers prioritize the needs of all children, and have devoted their professional lives to enriching the lives of Hardeman County students.

“We are proud of each and every teacher, every day. Those chosen for Teacher of the Year have been chosen by their peers based on their willingness to go the extra mile and inspiration they give to not only students, but also to their colleagues,” commented Dr. Christy Smith. “We honor and congratulate them for helping Hardeman County Schools enhance the learning environments in all of our schools.”

The awards were presented to:

Melissa Adkins of Hornsby Elementary
Bonnie Breeden of Central High School
Diane Brewer of Grand Junction Elementary
Kelsey Kirk of Middleton High School
Annette McBryde of Middleton Elementary
Nicole McMahan of Toone Elementary
Shawn O’Neil of Bolivar Middle School
Jackie Rhodes of Whiteville Elementary
Shelby Wells of Bolivar Elementary

The following teachers will move on to represent the District at the regional level for their grade band.

Pre-k to 4 grade: Shelby Wells
5 to 8 grades: Diane Brewer
9-12 grades – Kelsey Kirk

{Read more about Kirk who is a published author}

In order to be eligible for Teacher of the Year, a teacher must meet the following criteria:

  • be a full-time, certified, in good standing, Pre-k-12 teacher,
  • spend the majority of the school day in direct instruction to students,
  • have a minimum of three years of experience as a teacher in Tennessee public schools, and
  • be recognized as leaders within the community as well as in the school.

School level Teachers of the Year are chosen by the staff from each school in Hardeman County based on the criteria above. Principals submit the name of the School Level Teacher of the Year to the District Office. Each school recipient completes a Teacher of the Year application and submits it to the district office. The applications are reviewed by a committee designated by the district office with three being chosen to advance to region level competition.

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