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Middleton Students and Coach Recognized at School Board Meeting

Middleton High School (MHS) Students, Madeline Coupe and Alexa Pitzer, and MHS Basketball Coach James Burkley, were among those recognized for their achievements at the April 13, 2023, meeting of the Hardeman County Board of Education.

Middleton High School students, Alexa Pitzer (left) and Madeline Coupe (right), are pictured with Principal Newman after being recognized for their academic achievements.

Mr. Newman, who is the principal at MHS, first recognized Alexa Pitzer for earning 3rd Place in the State HOSA Competition in Veterinary Science. Next he called Madeline Coupe forward and recognized her for earning ExCPT and becoming a Certified Pharmacy Technician.

Coach Burkley was then recognized as an “Essential Piece” of the school district and our community due to the high regard of his peers and the impact he has made on players throughout the years. Read more about Coach Burkley’s achievements here.

MHS Basketball Coach James Burkley shakes hands with MHS Principal Newman after being recognized for his positive impact on players and students.

Madeline Coupe and Alexa Pitzer were both recently named to the Middleton Top 10 Students list. Read more about MHS Top 10 here.

Kathy Ross, Network Specialist at Hardeman County Board of Education, was also recognized at the meeting for her participation in the Early Career K-12 CTO Academy.

You may watch the full Hardeman County Board of Education meeting below. The recognitions begins at the two minute mark.

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