BolivarEducationHatchie Press News

Hardeman County Students Visit Job Fair

Some Hardeman County students got a short break from the classroom last week when they took a field trip to the Bolivar Municipal Center and checked out the Bolivar Works Job Fair.

Bolivar Utilities Director Cliff Henson speaks with students at the Bolivar Works Job Fair.

Various government department leaders took time to talk with the students and answer questions about their jobs before they headed into the gym for the job fair. Students browsed the potential employer tables, learning about local jobs and picking up some fun promotional items too.

“Bolivar Middle School students, particularly eight grade, are having more opportunities like this to see potential avenue for education and careers,” said an eighth grade teacher. “The students are responding well to these opportunities. Hopefully, events such as this will spark conversations in their households that will result in a specific game plan they can follow.”

Bolivar Mayor Julian McTizic leads students through the Bolivar Works Job Fair.

The gymnasium was packed with potential employers such as Core Civic, Bolivar Police Department, Bolivar Fire Department, Centennial Bank, US Silica, Western Mental Health, Quinco, Tennessee National Guard, Bolivar General Hospital, Hardeman County Board of Education, Memphis Police Department, Tennessee Department of Human Services, and many more.

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