Hatchie Chapter Tennessee Daughters of the American Revolution Celebrate 75 Years

By Sharon Venuti
The Hatchie Chapter Tennessee Daughters of the American Revolution celebrated its 75th anniversary on Saturday, April 15, 2023, at the Bolivar Church of Christ. The organization commemorated these many years of service to Hardeman County with a lasagna luncheon complete with salads, garlic bread, and cake provided by the Bolivar Food Giant (or as it is affectionately known, Maxwell’s Big Star).
Mrs. Mary Moore delighted the ladies with excerpts from The Bolivar Bulletin, dated April 29, 1948, which follow:
“April 24, 1948, marks an important event in the history of Bolivar and Hardeman County, Tennessee, when the newly organized Hatchie Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution was confirmed by the National Society.”
“The organization meeting was held on April 19 in the home of the Organizing Regent, Mrs. Austin A. Baker, with her daughters Mrs. Sam Thompson and Mrs. Floyd Van Booven, as co-hostesses.”
“The Hatchie Chapter of Chickasaw District is very appropriately named, and is fortunately located at Bolivar, which was first Hatchie, an early trading post for the Indians, to which they came a thousand strong at times.”
As reported by The Bolivar Bulletin in 1948, the founding members included Mrs. Austin A. Baker (Regent), Mrs. Thomas R. Smith (Vice Regent), Mrs. Jere Henderson (Recording Secretary), Mrs. John E. Campbell (Corresponding Secretary), Mrs. Vincent Black (Treasurer), Mrs. Floyd Van Booven (Registrar), Mrs. Joseph McAnulty (Historian), Miss Betty Brown (Librarian), Mrs. A. H. Rhodes (Chaplain), Mrs. R. L. Baird, Mrs. C. R. Howse, Mrs. Robert W. Moore, Mrs. E. C. Boyd, Mrs. H. T. Hedrick, Mrs. N. O. Street, Mrs. Sam W. Thompson, Misses Elizabeth Harwood, and Betsy McAnulty.
Today, the Hatchie Chapter DAR has 54 members. We extend a welcome to ladies interested in historic preservation, patriotism, and education. Come join us! Contact us at hatchie@tndar.org or visit the DAR Website.
DAR is a non-profit, non-political volunteer women’s service organization. DAR members are dedicated to promoting historic preservation, education, and patriotism in communities across the nation. All students are invited to participate and learn more about the educational programs DAR offers. Educators, parents, and students are encouraged to contact their local DAR chapter (hatchie@tndar.org) for more detailed information on the programs.
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