Hatchie Press 2023 Year in Review – Tuesday Edition
As 2023 comes to a close, join us each day this week to look back on some memorable news that Hatchie Press covered this past year.

Community “Flips the Switch” for New Bolivar Solar Farm
Originally published March 21, 2023.
Silicon Ranch, one of the nation’s largest independent power producers and a community-focused renewable energy company, along with Bolivar Energy Authority (BEA), Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), and members of the community joined together to flip the switch on the new 3.25-megawatt Bolivar Solar Farm in Hardeman County on Tuesday, March 21, 2023. {read article}

Middleton High School Wins Award For Registering Eligible Students To Vote
Originally published April 28, 2023.
Middleton High School (MHS) was one of 13 schools in the state to earn the Secretary of State’s Anne Dallas Dudley Gold Level Award by registering 100 percent of the eligible students to vote who are 18 years old or older. {read article}

Warner “Nubbin” Ross Assumes Command of the Tennessee National Guard
Originally published March 8, 2023.
Brigadier General Warner “Nubbin” Ross, Tennessee’s Adjutant General assumed command of the Tennessee National Guard during a ceremony at Nashville’s Joint Force Headquarters on March 3, 2023. {read article}

Grand Junction Police Chief Hunt Retires
Originally published April 12, 2023.
Grand Junction Police Chief Larry Hunt was honored with a reception on Thursday, March 30, 2023, celebrating his retirement after 10 years of service to the town of Grand Junction. {read article}

“Why Not Here? Why Not Now?”: Community Worship at the Courthouse
Originally published March 6, 2023.
Hardeman County came out once again to worship together at the Community Worship event that was held in Bolivar at the Courthouse Amphitheater on Tuesday, February 28, 2023, at 6 p.m. {read article}

Middleton Tigers Basketball Headed to Murfreesboro {video}
Originally published March 7, 2023.
The Middleton High School basketball Tigers celebrated a sweet victory at home on Monday, March 6, 2023, after beating the Booker T. Washington High School basketball Warriors at the final buzzer with a score of 57 – 52. {read article}

State Archivist Visits Bolivar History Room
Originally published April 26, 2023.
Chuck Sherrill, Former State Librarian and Archivist visited the Bolivar-Hardeman County Library on Monday, April 24, 2023. {read article}

Middleton’s Major Crowley Assumes Command of Dyersburg’s 168th Military Police Battalion
Originally published March 29, 2023.
During a ceremony held at the Tennessee National Guard’s Volunteer Training Site in Tullahoma on March 21, 2023, Major Robert Crowley assumed command of Dyersburg’s 168th Military Police Battalion from Lieutenant Colonel Jeromy Spellings. {read article}
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