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Hatchie Press’ Weekend Planner: April 22 – 24

Early Vote!

Early voting continues through April 28th The voting hours are Monday thru Friday, 9:00 am until 4:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am until 12:00 pm. The only early voting location in the county is the Hardeman County Election Commission- 106 S. Porter St., Bolivar, Tennessee.

Go see a movie at The Luez!

The Batman (rated PG-13) is showing Friday 4/22 @ 7:00 and Saturday 4/23 @ 3:00 and 7:00

Go see Little Women at Star, Inc in Somerville!

Showtimes are Friday and Saturday @ 7pm and Sunday @ 2pm.

Go to Oakland’s SpringFest!

Oakland’s Springfest is back after a two year break for Covid. It’s held at West Junior High from 9-3. Over 60 vendors, food trucks, Kids Zone, Lazer Tag and lots more.

Celebrate Earth Day!

Celebrate Earth Day and this weekend’s beautiful weather by taking a walk around the pond at Pleasant Run Creek Park.

Pleasant Run Creek Park is one of the newest parks in the City of Bolivar.  The park is located at 100 Stevens Road just north of the intersection of West Market Street and Stevens Road. Whether it is fishing, walking, running, a picnic, or enjoying the sights and sounds of wildlife, this park will surely have something for everyone. Pleasant Run Creek Park has 170 acres of green space, an abundance of wildlife, trails, a state-certified arboretum, disc golf course, a dog park, and a fishing lake stocked with trout in the winter months. The trails are currently open for your leisure or guests can take advantage of a quiet picnic near the lake.