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The Town of Hornsby Getting New Computers and Water Software

The Town of Hornsby met for its regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 12, 2024. Present were Mayor Curtis Vandiver, and Alderman Melissa Hodge, Wayne Isbell, Heather Jo Moore, and Pat Plunk. Absent was Greg Vance. Several items were covered during the almost one-hour meeting, but one of the most important was the decision by the board to purchase new computers and new software for managing the Town of Hornsby’s water department.

I. Open Meeting

II. Approve Minutes {minute mark 0:32}

III. Approve Agenda {minute mark 0:58}

IV. City Attorney – Ben Ayris {minute mark 1:14}

Attorney Ayris is working on a police policy and stated he would like to meet with both Police Chief Chris Williams and the Hornsby Alderman to determine the needs of both parties and the Town of Hornsby. Alderman Plunk expressed concern about liability and suggested it may be “prudent for us, until we do have a policy in place just to not be doing police activity until we know where we are liability-wise?” suggesting all police activity be suspended. Attorney Ben Ayris and Police Chief Chris Williams stepped out to review the current police policy on record that dates to around 1986, per Chief Williams.

V. Cyber Policy 2nd Reading {minute mark 5:59}


VI. Capital Asset and Depreciation Policy {minute mark 6:20}

Approved on the first reading.

VII. Debt Policy {minute mark 7:39}

First reading – Four approved and one opposition.

VIII. Water Department

  • Water Rate Ordinance {minute mark 10:03}

The water fee schedule will be realigned on July 1, 2024, that includes a price increase. The last price increase was in 2016. The increase will help cover some of the expenses of running the water department.

  • Software {minute mark 18:17}

Approved purchasing new computers and water software.

IX. Street Department {minute mark 26:43}

X. Police Department {minute mark 29:49}

After a very quick review of the documents that are currently in place and the conversations with the Chief of Police, Attorney Ben Ayris stated it would probably be acceptable if not prudent to just continue as normal for now . . . “let him do his job for now”. Attorney Ayris will continue to work on updating the police policy.

  • Monthly Report
  • Grants

Will skip grant discussion for March.

XI. Fire Department {minute mark 34:43}

XII. Public Discussion {minute mark 37:00}

Alderman Isbell asked the question about who would run the water department if William Cossar became incapacitated? A question the board should consider. {minute mark 55:04}

XIII. Next Regular Board Meeting Tuesday April 2, 2024

XIV. Meeting Adjourn 3/12/2024

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