HRAYS FunDay Brings Out Eager Soccer Players

Soccer players from the ages of three years old all the way to high school converged on the soccer fields for the Hatchie River Area Youth Soccer (HRAYS) league’s FunDay that was held at the Middleton Municipal Park on Friday, August 9, 2024. FunDay is the official kick off for the HRAYS league season and draws children from across Hardeman County and surrounding areas, and into Mississippi.
Before the soccer fun began, parents were able to register their children for one of five playing divisions that includes U-6, U-8, U-10, U-14, and U-18. HRAYS president Caleb Leist conducted a meeting to share league information and so parents could ask questions. Several returning families were joined by a good number of new ones with registration resulting in more than 100 players registered for the upcoming season. Many of those players attended the FunDay and were eager to grab soccer balls and get back on the field, which they did, and the fun began.
Athletes were led in the review of game rules, practice drills, and scrimmages by HRAYS leaders as they played into the evening.
The HRAYS organization has offered recreational soccer to youth in Hardeman County and its surrounding areas for more than 20 years. The league exists because of parent volunteers and sponsors. Several of the people that continue to volunteer each year have long graduated their children from high school and remain active with the league, because they realize the benefits their own children gained from playing. It is their way of giving back and they want other children to have the same opportunity theirs did.
This season, a new fundraiser was introduced to replace the annual spaghetti dinner. HRAYS fans can purchase T-shirts for $20 that are the same color of the team on which their child athlete will play. Sponsorships are also again being accepted and businesses are invited to support the HRAYS in that manner. E-mail to have an order form or sponsor form sent to you.
The HRAYS is seeking coaches and referees, and no experience is required. If you are interested in coaching, contact Julie Bell at (731) 609-1578. If you are interested in refereeing, contact Dylan Stewart at (731) 206-0956.
HRAYS FunDay 2024 Photo Gallery
Click arrow/swipe screen to see the slideshow.
HRAYS registration is $55 per player and closes on Tuesday, August 20, 2024. Registration forms may be picked up at Centennial Bank, 294 South Main Street in Middleton, or you may contact the HRAYS league at to have a form e-mailed to you.
Upcoming HRAYS dates of interest:
Tuesday, August 20, 2024 – Coaches meeting
Thursday, August 22, 2024 – Last day to order fan T-shirts
Monday, September 9, 2024 – Season begins
Monday through Friday, October 14-18, 2024 – Fall break
Monday through Thursday, November 4-7, 2024 – Season ends (tentative)
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