Letter to the Editor: Have You Heard?

Have You Heard?
There will be Public Hearings on Zoning on Tuesday, February, 20, 2024, at 7 p.m. at the Hardeman County Courthouse.
In 1993, Zoning was adopted to promote the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the citizens of Hardeman County. Today, Zoning issues are in the forefront and challenging the intent and purpose of the zoning ordinance.
The County Commission will be considering three (3) zoning amendments that will greatly affect the future of development in Hardeman County.
1) The first amendment addresses more strict regulations for the Solar and Power Plant industry. It will require these types of industries, to locate on land zoned for “Industrial” uses and remove their ability to go on land zoned for “Forestry, Agriculture and Residential” uses. Provisions have been drafted and designed to limit density and the visual effect of these developments and provides stipulations to protect the general welfare of the citizens, the environment and wildlife habitat. Some Solar plant proponents desire between 10,000-20,000 acres of Hardeman County farmland to be utilized for this industry.
2) The second amendment deals with building lots that were developed and recorded before zoning was adopted in 1993. Most lots in Grand Valley, Woodrun, and Candlewood, do not meet the minimum size and setback requirements of our current Zoning Resolutions. These lots, and other recorded lots throughout the county, will be exempt from certain provisions of the Zoning ordinance, so landowners can obtain a zoning permit to build homes.
3) The third amendment will provide checks and balances on whomever holds the position of “Zoning Compliance Officer” before a lawsuit can be brought against a citizen for zoning violations. The amendment will require “approval” by the County Commission prior to filing. The purpose of this amendment is to make the Commission and taxpayers aware of the potential for expensive litigation and legal costs.
These Zoning amendments will affect all of Hardeman County and its citizens. You have the opportunity to have your voices heard by showing up and speaking to the Commission. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you can sign the Petition (http://chng.it/bVrx6cvHm6) and show your support for these amendments.
Karen Clayton
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