
Local Mayors, McTizic, Bowden, and Neill, Travel to Michigan to Thank Ford Motor Company

Photo courtesy of Charley Brown, SWTDD.

Local elected officials and state economic leaders recently participated in the inaugural “West Tennessee Ford Fly-In” to Detroit/Dearborn. Southwest Tennessee Development District (SWTDD) Executive Director Joe Barker planned the fly-in as an opportunity to thank Ford Motor Company’s leadership for the decision to locate a new EV manufacturing plant in West Tennessee and for the 6,000+ high quality jobs the project will create for citizens in the region. Marianne Dunavant, BlueOval Community Relations Manager, worked closely with officials in Michigan and at SWTDD to coordinate meetings and tours at Ford’s Dearborn campus. A primary focus for the trip was to bring together local elected officials and Ford management for in depth discussions.

Fly-In attendees spent two full days (January 31 – February 1, 2024) in Michigan. While there, participants toured the Rouge Electric Vehicle Center, where F-150 Lighting Trucks are manufactured; explored the Ford Museum; and attended meetings with upper management regarding the BlueOval City project. Ford management spoke in depth regarding the importance of surrounding communities in the success of the project and of the ways that West Tennessee communities can be prepared to attract the additional industrial suppliers for the Tier 1 manufacturing plants located in BlueOval’s Haywood County campus. Leadership emphasized that Ford’s BlueOval project roots will cause growth throughout West Tennessee—far beyond the facility presently under construction.

The executives outlined needed attributes of the industrial sites that the additional BOC suppliers will seek. Tennessee’s economic development professionals and TVA representatives added that communities will need effective marketing and a timely, rapid response when approached by any BOC industrial prospect. Additional insights shared by management were the need for housing and hotel sites — and the importance of securing roundtrip flights between Jackson and Detroit, as valuable corporate time is lost when executives must fly into and out of Memphis or Nashville. 

The mayors participating in the fly-in were able to ask questions of Ford’s leadership and prompted informative discussions regarding sites they have available and strategies they’ll need when developing these sites to attract BlueOval supplier industries. “It was a privilege for SWTDD to collaborate with our West Tennessee leaders in visiting Ford World Headquarters in Michigan,” said Joe Barker. “It allowed us to thank Ford for locating in West Tennessee and to hear how we might assist them at the local level.”

Meetings with Chassen Haynes, Regional Manager of Ford Government Relations, prompted discussions regarding education and the need for regional educational institutions and Ford to partner together in providing/developing curriculum and programs with the two-fold purpose of keeping young talent in West Tennessee while advancing the workforce’s skillsets. Chassen shared that Ford is currently engaged in meetings with several universities and schools to work in this direction.

Both Ford’s management and fly-in attendees agreed there is a need to meet on a regular basis in West Tennessee to keep the lines of communication open, share updates, work together in a positive and forward direction, and to wisely prepare communities for industrial and residential expansion.

The area leaders participating in the Fly-In were: Mayor Gene Bowden (Whiteville), Mayor Mike Creasy (Decatur County), Mayor Kevin Davis (Hardin County), Mayor Craig Fitzhugh  (Ripley), Mayor Jeff Griggs (Lexington), Mayor Jan Hensley (Covington), Mayor Robbie McCready (Henderson County), Mayor Julian McTizic (Bolivar), Mayor Ronnie Neill (Somerville), Mayor David Parsons (Bartlett), Mayor Gary Reasons (Crockett County), Mayor Josh Roman (Lakeland), Mayor Allen Sterbinsky (Stanton),  Mayor Mark Ward (Benton County), Mark Yates (West Region Vice President for TVA) , Paul Phelan (Manager for Government Relations for TVA),  Tracey Exum (Southwest TN Regional Director for TN-ECD), Aaron Stewart (Brownsville-Haywood County Economic Development Director), Jason Fleming (Chief of Staff, City of Covington), Patrick Jaynes (Jigsaw consulting), Anna McQuiston  (Midsouth TN Development District Director), Joe Barker, (SWTDD Executive Director), Jill Holland (SWTDD Local Government and Special Projects Coordinator), and Charley Brown (SWTDD Information Technology Manager).

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