Local Republican Party to Reorganize on February 11

The Hardeman County Republican Party will hold its annual reorganization meeting on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 6 p.m. at 100 South Main Street in Bolivar.
Reorganization is a time for party members to elect new local leadership. Nominations will be taken from the floor for vice-chairman, secretary, treasurer, vice-treasurer, and any other offices the new chairman would like to add to the upcoming committee. Each position is for a two-year term.
Qualifications for County Party Chairman or other voting officers include:
- Any individual who is actively involved in the Tennessee Republican Party, his County Republican Party, or any recognized auxiliary organization of either; and resides and is registered to vote in said county; and
- Any individual who has voted in the last three Statewide Republican primaries in his county of residence during those primary elections. Younger Republicans who may not have been of legal age for three primary elections must obtain approval from the state chairman.
Any individual who is interested in serving as chairman will need to reach out to the party by Tuesday, February 4, 2025, to let them know of their intentions. The current executive committee will meet on February 11 to verify all candidates for chairman meet the qualifications of a bonafide Republican. Applicants for chairman may contact the Hardeman County Republican Party on its Facebook page declaring their intentions or contact Tina Bell at (731) 658-2246.
The purposes of the Republican Party include, but are not limited to, electing Republican candidates to office on the national, state, and local levels and preserving conservative values in our community.
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