
Mayor Pulse Proclaims October 19 Hardeman County Rescue Squad Day {video}

The Hardeman County Rescue Squad recently attended the Tennessee Association of Rescue Squads annual convention. The convention offers training classes and competitions for rescue operations. The Hardeman County Rescue Squad, which is all volunteer and self-supported, competed against other volunteer squads along with fulltime paid squads. In this year’s competitions, the Rescue Squad received 1st place in Medical and 1st place in Team Building, 2nd place in Driving, Scrapbook, and Winners Circle Advanced Extrication.

Mayor Pulse recognized the Rescue Squad’s achievements at the October 18, 2022, meeting of the Hardeman County Commission. He issued a proclamation recognizing October 19, 2022, as “Hardeman County Rescue Squad Day”.

The full proclamation reads:

WHEREAS, The Hardeman County Rescue Squad was established in 1982 and is directly involved in rescue operations throughout Hardeman County.

WHEREAS, The Rescue Squad participates and competes yearly in state Competitions for Rescue Operations.

WHEREAS, This year the Rescue Squad received 1st place in Medical and 1st place in Team Building, 2nd place in Driving, Scrapbook, and Winners Circle Advanced Extrication.

WHEREAS, Hardeman County offers its congratulations on your achievements and is very proud of your hard work and accomplishments.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Todd Pulse, Hardeman County Mayor, do hereby recognize October 19, 2022 as “Hardeman County Rescue Squad Day”.

Photo courtesy of Hardeman County Rescue Squad.

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