Mellissa Transformed Herself and Now Encourages Others

By Amy Elizer
Most Tuesday and Thursday late afternoons, you can find Mellissa McTizic at the Bolivar Municipal Building leading an excited group of ladies in line dancing. It is the culmination of a health improvement journey – – one of mind, body, and spirit. H2O caught up with her recently to learn where she is today.
H2O: When we talked nearly three years ago, you talked about the health issues that had developed when you were at your heaviest weight and decided to have weight loss surgery. The ones you mentioned were high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, asthma, and Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). How has your continued health improvement journey continued to affect these? Any new positives?
MM: I am yet free from taking medicines to regulate blood pressure, asthma, and GERD. Although I am being treated for sciatic nerve pain in my lower back, I yet maintain physical mobility that allows me to continue to do the things I enjoy such as walking, running, and line dancing. I believe if I had not lost weight, my condition would be worse. I believe it is necessary to be transparent about my health journey so others will know, it is a process, and no journey is without challenges. No matter the challenges, I am willing to take the necessary steps to improve my health because my health matters.
H2O: Through your gastric surgery, you lost 150 pounds by eating smaller portions, drinking plenty of water, and taking better care of yourself like sleep and rest. Now that you have lost the weight, have you continued these actions or continued to make changes as you are able?
MM: Our bodies are creatures of habit and once the body knows what is expected, it begins to get comfortable and is less challenged. The old saying “if you want to see something different, you have to do something different” is relevant to progressing and maintaining good health. Therefore, I have incorporated intermittent fasting and three times a week I include high-intensity interval training (HITT) exercises. I continue to walk because it is an amazing anecdote for my sciatic nerve pain as well as a mental stress reliever, and it enhances my physical strength and endurance.
H2O: Since our earlier interview, you have continued to be a wonderful role model for better health. You’ve also become a certified trainer. Could you share a little bit about why you chose to do that? How many people have your worked with? Any success story from them that you would like/are able to share?
MM: Since beginning this journey, I decided to educate myself more on this health and fitness journey so that the steps I take will render sustainable changes. I believe education is power and it equips you with the tools and skills you need to achieve success. Through ISSA (International Sports and Sciences Association), I have earned certifications as a personal trainer, nutritionist, transformation specialist, and group exercise instructor all of which certify me as an Elite Trainer. The certifications have afforded me the opportunity to implement my skills as a line dance, and aqua aerobics instructor as well as launch community fitness opportunities such as 5K and 10K walks, Kids Edition health and fitness, and my 1st Health and Fitness Expo 2023. Launching these fitness experiences provides an opportunity for others to not only take part, but have testimonials of weight loss, improved rest and mobility, increased energy, medication elimination, and lab numbers being lowered to normal ranges. For me, that’s the part I love about what I do because I desire others to have a total transformation mind, body, and spirit.
H2O: You use the theme “total transformation” in the work you are doing (I have a sense of why you use that, but . . .). Can you briefly share where that comes from?
MM: Transformation is defined as a dramatic change from one form to another. It is also defined as a process by which one figure, expression, or function is converted into another that is equivalent in some important respect but is differently expressed or represented.
All my life, I have struggled with the challenges of being overweight. Obesity had a bearing on my physical, mental, and social wellbeing. I had allowed it to control and ultimately rob me of simple enjoyments in life.
July 2017, I sought out information regarding the gastric sleeve weight loss surgery. After attending the first session and completing all necessary requirements, it was on July 5, 2018, God granted my prayer to have bariatric surgery. Unfortunately, while one prayer (weight loss) was being answered, another prayer (marital redemption) was being challenged, altered, and tested right before my eyes. At the same time, I was preparing for surgery, I was in martial separation with the possibility of divorce. In comparison of both prayers, they both rendered a loss and from the release of both weights, Total Transformation was born mind, body and spirit established 2019.
Metamorphically, I display and highlight the butterfly because it is a reminder that we are meant to be butterflies, but it is through life challenges (in the cocoon) where our wings are developed and made strong to one day fly. Also, the Cross in my logo is used in place of the “T” in the word Total because it credits God to the continuance of my Total Transformation mind, body, and spirit.
H2O: Anything else?
MM: Stay on the lookout for more upcoming and life changing experiences and fitness opportunities from Total Transformation.
You may contact Melissa by telephone: (731) 609-4351 or e-mail: .
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