
Middleton Students Clue in to School Breakfast

On Monday, March 3, 2025, MES kicked off National School Breakfast Week, which will run through Friday, March 7. The campaign theme this year is “Clue in to School Breakfast” to remind the entire school community that school breakfast provides a healthy and energizing start to the day for students.

MES Cafeteria Manager Annette Grote believes in the importance of students eating a healthy breakfast, so they are able to come to school every day “fueled for learning”.

“Hardeman County schools offer nutritious school breakfasts, complete with fruit and low-fat or fat-free milk, to ensure students are fueled for learning every school day,” said Ms. Grote, who celebrated National School Lunch week last fall. “At MES, we offer a hot or cold choice of breakfast, along with a choice of various juices and white or chocolate milk. We also have a share table set up for students to share any extra unopened food with others.”

The National School Breakfast Week initiative was launched in 1989 to raise awareness of the availability of the School Breakfast Program, a federally assisted meal program operating in public and non-profit private schools and residential childcare institutions since 1975.

Ms. Grote noted study results, which list benefits of eating breakfast.


  • Reach higher levels of achievement in reading and math,
  • Score higher on standardized tests.
  • Have better concentration and memory.
  • Are more alert.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.

At the kick off, Middleton Mayor Evan Mott stopped by to sign a proclamation announcing it is National School Breakfast Week. Cafeteria workers were dressed as breakfast foods and the breakfast server was dressed as a detective to get students excited about a healthy breakfast. Students enjoyed a choice of homemade strawberry smoothies with mini chocolate donuts or blueberry waffles and syrup, with juice or milk.

Throughout the week, students will have the option of choosing food items from special menus, and participating in fun and educational activities. All students will receive a fun packet of detective games and a colorable breakfast detective sticker badge. They will also receive clues about a mystery breakfast item that they will all receive on Friday.

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