Middleton’s Lauren Milford Named to Blue Mountain Christian University’s Fall 2023 President’s List

Lauren Milford, a 2021 graduate of Middleton High School, was placed on the Blue Mountain Christian University (BMCU) President’s List for the Fall 2023 semester. As an undergraduate student, Ms. Milford received that recognition as a full-time student for exhibiting a commitment to academic excellence and earning a perfect grade point average (GPA) of 4.0.
Ms. Milford is studying for an English Postsecondary Education degree and is expected to graduate in 2025 with a core academic focus on poetry and art. She would like to teach high school English.
“I’m excited to go from a student for 18 years to finally being the teacher,” said Ms Milford.
Her excellence in academics has led to membership in three honor societies that include Alpha Lambda Delta, Sigma Tau Delta, and Kappa Delta Pi. Ms. Milford is also involved in the BMCU English club and the Modenian women’s society.
While in college, Ms. Milford has maintained her membership at First Baptist Church in Middleton as her faith is an important part of her life.
“Blue Mountain Christian University’s focus on Christ has been a wonderful experience for me,” said Ms. Milford.
Lauren Milford is the daughter of Brandon and LuAnne Milford. Her siblings are Natalie and Isabella Milford.
Read about other students recognized by their schools for academic achievement.
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