
Night Hike Draws Crowd to Sand Beach Lake

More than 20 people came out to the Full Moon Hike that was held at Sand Beach Lake on Monday, July 3, 2023. The hike was led by Brittney Willis who has been active with the City of Bolivar Parks and Recreation Department through planning many outdoor events at Sand Beach Lake and coordinating the Bolivar Community Garden. The group gathered for a brief orientation before setting out on the hike.

Over 20 people came out and enjoyed the night hike around Sand Beach Lake.
Hikers enjoyed the beautiful sunset on Sand Beach Lake.
Several stops were made to listen and identify sounds of the night.
Bright lights were used to look for and identify critters in the woods.
A sheet and light attracted night time insects which were identified.

Before the hike started, a sheet was set up with a light that attracted night time insects. Learning continued after the hike as Willis identified and discussed the insects with the hikers. The Full Moon Hike gave good insight to the night creatures and their natural habitat. Follow the City of Bolivar Parks and Recreation Department on Facebook for future events.

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