
Obituary: Frankie (Hamer) Hicks – Bolivar, Tennessee

Frankie (Hamer) Hicks, November 17, 1940 ~ September 4, 2022 (age 81).

Mrs. Hicks’ service was held on Saturday September 10, 2022, at 11 a.m. at Greater Springfield MB Church and Pastor Robert Parham was in charge of the service.  Burial was in the Bolivar Memorial Cemetery and Dixie Funeral Home was in charge of the professional service.

Many may recall the cool Sunday morning of November 17, 1940. For it was on that date the Green Bay Packers became the first NFL team to travel by air. The U.S. President was Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the U.K. Prime Minister was Winston Churchill. However, that’s not what’s most notable. It was on that day that Early and Lenora Hamer of Grand Junction, Tennessee, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and named her Frankie. Surely, they were rejoicing and recalled the words in Psalms 118:24, “The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice and be glad.”

Very early on, Mrs. Hicks was extremely serious about education. She attended grammar school at Grand Junction Primary School and later went on to graduate from the historic Allen White High School in 1959. Knowing there was more to life than the confines of a small town, she continued her educational journey at Allura Beauty School where she earned her credentials to become one of the best cosmetologists around. Afterwards, she attended Memphis State University and earned an Occupational Teacher Certification.

Ephesians 5:15-16 reminds us to, “Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”

Mrs. Frankie Hicks undoubtedly made the most of every Christian opportunity and accepted Christ at an early age. She joined Hopewell Baptist Church in Grand Junction, Tennessee and was a faithful usher during her time there. She later joined Oak Hill Baptist Church where she served as a choir member and president of the choir. She ultimately made Greater Springfield her home and served faithfully on the mother board until her health began to decline.

Mrs. Hicks’ career began in the Garment Factory and at Dover Elevators. From 1976 – 1978, she served as a dispatcher for the Hardeman County Sheriff’s Department. For well over 30 years, she served the areas of Somerville, Grand Junction, and Bolivar as a cosmetologist. Mrs. Hicks was also a dedicated teacher at Bolivar Central High School from 1981 – 1997. While there, she served as the VICA Sponsor, as well as the Class of 1987 Class Sponsor.  As Colossians 3:23-24 states, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Many educators and cosmetologists in the Hardeman County area are benefitting from such a rich inheritance from Mrs. Frankie Hicks.

Some of her notable affiliations included (but weren’t limited to) the following: Member of Bolivar City Council, Hardeman County Retired Teachers Association, Eastern Star Greenwood Chapter No. 217, Daughters of ISIS, Al Uzza Court #63 – Illustrious Commandress and Treasurer, Bolivar Civitan Club, and MLK Jr. Parade – Chairperson.

Mrs. Hicks was united in holy matrimony to her “good thing”, Delphus Van Hicks, Jr. on July 5, 1961. To this God-ordained union, three children were birthed. Early preceded her in death and she leaves James of Bolivar, Tennessee, and Diane (Cassius) of Oakland, Tennessee. Her legacy lives on in her grandchildren, Ebonee of Bolivar, Tennessee, Alexyss of Hendersonville, Tennessee, Amari of Oakland, Tennessee, and Claytrice (God Grandchild) of Washington, D.C. Her great grands are Fredriuna and Aubrey of Bolivar, Tennessee.

Mrs. Hicks’ flesh and heart may have failed, but God will forever be the strength of her heart and her portion in the lives of the in-laws she leaves behind: George of Plain Field, Illinois, Claudia (Charles) of Lamar, Mississippi, Leonard (Sarah) of Lamar, Mississippi, Freddie (Bernice) of Memphis, TN, Glossie (Willie) of Lamar, Mississippi, Lealor of Lamar, Mississippi, and Cathryn (Jerry) of Lamar, Mississippi. She was preceded in death by her siblings Katie and Eddie both of Bolivar, Tennessee, and her brothers-in-law William and Franklin.

To her special caregiver and God daughter Louise Lewis, she leaves the following words as written in Psalms 121:7-8, “The Lord will keep you from all harm – he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”

As for her long-time friends and phone buddies, Barbara Rucker and Charlie Hunt, she leaves the words of Deuteronomy 30:16, “For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.”

Rest easy, King (her pet) and continue to protect her precious home. For she is now dwelling in the house of the Lord because goodness and mercy have paved her path.

To the nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends who she leaves behind, make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. Always remember, “Big Mama loves you more than you will ever know.”

Courtesy of Dixie Funeral Home, Bolivar, Tennessee.

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