
Planning Commission Votes ‘Yes’ to Solar Farm Site Plan

Photo: Piccolo Lake Solar, LLC – Site Plan Map

The Hardeman County Planning Commission met for a special called meeting on April 19th. The 2 items on the agenda were:

-Discussion on the Solar Farm Zoning Resolution.
-Review of Site Plan for Piccolo Lake Solar, LLC.

The first item the Planning Commission took up was the Review of Site Plan for Piccolo Lake Solar, LLC. Shelton Merrell, with Southwest Tennessee Development District presented the Commission with an overview of Hardeman County’s Solar Farm Zoning and an overview of Piccolo Lake Solar, LLC’s plan for their proposed development. 3 representatives from Piccolo Lake Solar were present and took questions from the Commission. After an hour of questions and discussion, Andy Shelton made a motion to table the Review of Site Plan item. He did not receive a second. Eddie Moore made a motion to move forward with the vote of the Site Plan. Levi Smith seconded the motion. Planning Commission members voting in favor of the Site Plan were Eddie Moore, Levi Smith, Mary Polk, Jerry Cheshier, and Russell Deberry. Opposed were Andy Shelton and Mike Fawcett.

The Planning Commission then moved on to the next agenda item – Discussion on the Solar Farm Zoning Resolution. Shelton Merrell presented the Commission with different options to update Hardeman County’s Solar Zoning. After some questions and discussion a motion was made to table the item so the Commission could review and study the options. The motion was seconded and passed.

Photo: Hardeman County Planning Commission

The proposed location of the Piccolo Solar Farm is on Tax Map: 86, Parcel 15.00, Map 102, Parcel 01.00, Map 102, Parcel. 1.02, 1.03 and 1.03-001, Map 103, Parcel 4.02, Map 107, Parcel 18.00 on approximately 2,100 acres. This property is located on Chapleau Road, Somerville Road and Newcastle Drive. Property is zoned Forestry, Agriculture and Residential.