Hatchie Press NewsPolitics

Republicans Kick Off Summer Election Season With Rally

“We are only as strong as the men and women we elect to lead us” Bob Hendry, Candidate for U.S. Congress, District 8

The Hardeman County Republican Party held their first ever community-wide rally this past Saturday at the Historic Courthouse Square in downtown Bolivar. The Party provided free lunch and Showtime Band was the featured entertainer for the event. Many Republican candidates were in attendance to meet and greet the community. Special guest speakers included Megan Hedwall- candidate for County Mayor, Bob Hendry -candidate for U.S. Congress, State Senator Page Walley, and former State Senator Dolores Gresham.

The Hardeman County Republican Party meets at 6pm on the second Tuesday of the month at 100 S. Main Street in Bolivar. Everyone is welcome to attend.

The Federal & State Primary, County General and City of Whiteville Election are on August 4, 2022. Early voting starts July 15 and ends July 30.

Some of Hardeman County’s republican candidates gathered for a photo. From left to right: Bobby Hensley, Caleb Lies, Mark Gilliam, Brad Grantham, Mike Gowdy, David Bell, Calvin Howell and Billy Washam